Red Habanero & Black Coffee Hot Sauce
Such a beautiful sauce from Queen Majesty here combining an exciting flavour with a sensational heat! Cold-brewing coffee with vinegar instead of water to use with her habanero mash gives this a lovely smoky darkness that stands up to the intense flavour of the red habaneros. This sauce is the hottest sauce in the QM family using twice the amount of hot peppers than the Scotch Bonnet & Ginger sauce. This sauce works great with fatty foods like stews, pizza and pulled pork, but our preference is to put it on everything!
Featured on Hot Ones - Season 3
Heat Level: 🌶🌶 Medium
Ingredients: Fair trade coffee-infused white vinegar, onions, red bell peppers, red habanero peppers, apple cider vinegar w/ mother, balsamic vinegar, garlic, ginger root, olive oil, salt, and spices.
Size: 5 oz